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Results for Documents ( 4 products )

    • Calgary ASCM Cadastral Ties Dataset

      Calgary ASCM Cadastral Ties Dataset


      During the 1960’s to 1980’s, The City of Calgary surveyed cadastral ties (CADTIES) between thousands of Alberta Survey Control Markers (ASCM) and nearby legal survey monuments and other reference points. These Calgary ASCM CADTIES were surveyed under the supervision of an Alberta Land Surveyor and the information was recorded on sketches referenced to the old Alberta Survey Control (ASC) numbering system. ASCM tablet marking were usually the same as the ASC number. The Calgary ASCM CADTIES dataset includes 193 PDF files containing approximately 8000 sketches. The information has not been maintained or updated for many years.

    • High Precision Network Map

      High Precision Network Map


      The High Precision Network (HPN) is the primary survey control network necessary for development, surveying and mapping in Calgary and is a subset of the Alberta Survey Control Marker (ASCM) network.

    • Master Drainage Plans

      Master Drainage Plans


      Master Drainage Plans (MDPs) are conceptual-level stormwater drainage plans, in support of Area Structure Plans, and prepared for large drainage areas serviced by (usually) a single outfall to a receiving water body such as the Bow River. MDPs are developed through the evaluation of alternatives that provide an acceptable level of service while meeting the objectives of over-arching Watershed Plans or Water Management Plans and satisfying any constraints imposed by topography, land uses, and land ownership. MDPs typically identify and locate major stormwater ponds, other BMPs, trunk sizes and servicing routes, overland drainage routes, water quality and wetland and stream habitat preservation requirements, and land requirements.

    • Stormwater Management Reports and Sanitary Servicing Studies

      Stormwater Management Reports and Sanitary Servicing Studies


      Stormwater Management Reports and Sanitary Servicing Studies are divided into 4 types: 1. Subdivision Stormwater Management Reports: Describe the operation of the stormwater management system for individual phases of a subdivision. 2. Capital Stormwater Management Reports: Describe the operation of the stormwater management system for projects initiated by the City of Calgary. They summarize the performance of the overland drainage system. 3. Private Site Stormwater Management Reports: Describe the operation of the stormwater management system for parcels of land that are privately owned or are operated by City of Calgary Business Units other than Water Services. 4. Staged Master Drainage Plans: Provide the direction for the future detailed of the drainage system within a subdivision or community.